My love for “The Big Bang Theory” just grew a little bit more thanks to Wil Wheaton. Do you know what you get when a geek plays on a geek TV show? Non-scripted offline stories or comics that keep you entertained until the next episode airs.
My level of geekyness is not high enough to be familiar with Wil Wheaton, it is thanks to The Big Bang Theory that I learned about him. And since his last guest stint as Evil Wil Wheaton I found his blog with an entry detailing all behind the scene events when he guest starred on the show.
Best of all he had a photo taken of himself last year sitting on Sheldon’s spot after filming “The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary”.
This photo led to the creation of a comic about Sheldon finding out that Wil Wheaton sat in his spot.
This comic is titled “The Revenge and was created by Dragonsden Comics.
Sheldon is always funny, even when used in a fans comic. I regularly come across Sheldon quotes by friends on my Facebook. In a weird way Sheldon makes being a geek cool. I still haven’t grown tired of The Big Bang Theory, they make me laugh every time. And I feel proud of being a geek when Sheldon say stuff like “…the Internet Explorer to my Firefox” and to know there are probably lots of people who don’t get the joke. A certain level of geek cred is required to get most of the jokes.
Wil Wheaton photo from Wil Wheaton
“The Revenge” comic by Dragonsden Comics