The latest season of The Big Bang Theory has been over for a bit now, so I have to be content with “re-runs” and reading up on the TV show instead. While I usually like to be non-conformist in my choices, I cannot deny that Dr. Sheldon Cooper is the best geek out there today – much like millions of other viewers. But why exactly is Sheldon my favorite geek on TV?
Off the top of my head, I can name four reasons.
- He was forced to go to a mixer courtesy of Raj’s Green Lantern lantern. He went further than acquiring the lantern – he actually went to the mixer carrying the lantern with him in case his ring needed to be recharged1
- He was bribed to go out with a girl for the second time, again courtesy of Raj – this time he gave up his Hulk gloves. I really need not say more, do I? By the way, these first two reasons are from the same episode (The Psychic Vortex).
- He has a Cylon toaster. Considering that I am in a BSG mode right now, this really ought to be number one on my list. And yes, there really are Cylon toasters out there.
- He is smarter than everyone else; he knows it; and he will not hesitate to point it out. Isn’t this trait of his just charming? In other people, it would probably be irritating, but when Sheldon does his thing, you just can’t help but smile and shake your head.
I found a similar list – same concept, different reasons – at TechRepublic about why Dr. Sheldon Cooper is TV’s biggest geek. You might want to check it out.
Parting question for Sheldon fans: what makes him the best geek on TV for you?